Lily's Site

Lily Katie Butcher

Gum Treatment

Gum disease is present in about 90% of the population to some degree or other. It ranges from mild gingivitis, which may give rise to some bleeding when you brush, to periodontal disease (known as pyorrhoea), where pocketing around the teeth occurs wit...

Children’s Dentistry

Relaxed & friendly practice in IpswichWe regard children as very special patients and do everything to make their visits as enjoyable as possible. Our aim is to help them form good dental habits which will prevent problems with their teeth in later lif...


Improve your confidence about dentures IpswichMany people think Dentures have been left behind in the cosmetic world! Its not so, in fact using the latest technology Dentures Ipswich can create the ultimate smile makeover.Dentures Ipswich are removable...

Dental Implant

TREATMENT IN IPSWICHWhen teeth are lost, whatever the cause, you’ll benefit greatly from their replacement, mainly to help chewing and improve appearance. Nowadays, the best option is Dental implants Ipswich. A dental implant is an artificial, substitu...

Lily Katie Butcher Link

Lily Katie Butcher LinkI'm Lily Katie Butcher. I graduated from Imperial College Dental Surgery in 2011. I give you all kind of restorative and preventive solution to our patients including, implants, crown n bridges, root canals fillings, orthodontic ...


Offering a unique patient journey Choose UsOur friendly staff will always make you feel welcome.State of the art affordable dentist.We offer specialist dental treatments and solutions for all your dental needs.Private Dent...